Tuesday 15 March 2016

Cozying up into the week

Tuesday 15th, 2016. Yesterday (Monday) was great.  I went on a praise fast. I just wanted to praise God in a fast so I just played my gospel songs and stayed plugged in all day. I am still not on any engagement but I helped with some research work for a proposal. Today was also one of those days...you know days you feel invincible, confident and empowered (could it be the leopard skin skirt?). Well, whatever it was, I felt good with myself. I am currently on a quest to find a leopard skin jacket my size; if a skirt made me feel that good, then a jacket may make me float in the air (lol), and then I will graduate to a full dress...ok that may just be too much... but I don't care, I will certainly do it and take pictures (rofl) I go just dey #feelmaself

I have also been feeling pretty good with my diet (at least this weekend after my doc visit, I tried to keep it to a meal a day and some garden eggs or carrots in the evening) I will also work towards getting myself a scale so I can monitor my weight myself without having to visit the hospital (yeah... I can hear you wondering to yourself...huh..."she doesn't have a scale yet?" No I don't...yet)
Today I had white rice and beans in the afternoon with zobo drink. Well, someone sells zobo drink in my office and I feel I should have that instead of a coke or any other soda.  I am so hungry now and would love to eat something, but it is quite late so I will just keep guzzling water till I fall asleap.

Hmmmmmm....shaking my head while clapping my hands... Wonders will never end oh. So someone contacted me yesterday. Well, he sent me an FB invite and message since 2014 but I didn't add him because I noticed his wife is a mutual friend on FB. Anyway, I eventually added him and responded to his messages and he ended up collecting my watsapp number and of course he called too. I spoke with him that same day. I am not sure what we would talk about next because we literally said everything we had to say; it turned out we attended the same school and that he was 4 years my senior in school, he is married with 3 adorable kids. So I would just keep an open mind and whenever it gets awkward I will check him.

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